Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Corner

A corner withholding, a man to start
Will open his eyes, his soul and heart
With glass reflecting a compromised gaze
“Stay inside,” it says, “And count your days.”

Panes ill-equipped will provide still light
Turning his eyes, a diverted fight.
They rest silent, aging upon his shoulder
For through them, behind him, eyes grow older.

That candle-lit corner, aglow with earnest ardor,
Awakens recessed blood, now thicker than water.
His grasp encompasses boiling lead,
Fulfilling panes through words unsaid.

With pen he'll purge what tongue cannot,
Expelling sprites no longer sought.
And where page and print have merged to one,
His fingers unveil what hands have done.

The window again addresses soulful eyes,
“Venture out,” it says, “And lift absconded skies.”
With catalyst enlisted, his gaze turns out,
For his corner has retired, paired with his doubt.

And now that corner, empty of his wanderings
Awaits sure corrosion and failings.
For he is absent, carried out by purposed feet
And inch by storied inch, his steps outrun defeat.

1 comment:

  1. Like it a lot. You seem to have a knack for the more melancholy poetry.
