Sunday, May 29, 2011

Her Eyes Remind Me of Another's

Flung from the grasp of my fragmented hand,
An invocation to regain something grand.
For crowns and trees with my petition,
Demand a man's bold remission.

And so it sets about undoing
The forge of whispers and cooing.
A hapless prank, though not my vision,
Invokes this unforeseen division.

For she is stunned; she and her eyes.
They look, but cannot recognize.
To cast a broken glance my way
Employs a departure, twice-turned gray.

I turned my back with heart a'breaking
A needless foe now in the making;
As correlation blinks and blurs,
Reminding me only of another's.

Encompassed by a stricken host, 
Akin to depths unknown to most.
With steps repressing from her unseen tears,
I invite and welcome the chorused jeers.

To thus retire to my makeshift home,
A restless soul ne'er fit to roam.
And by dust and sand the corners corrode,
For I left the path I should have showed.

So this is where my fortune rests,
Upon my shoulders, invalid crests.
To sit and ponder a grander past;
The crowns and trees that could not last.


  1. Really like the way this one flows. Excited to see the final draft. What's it about?

  2. thanks sweeney.

    hmm...i'd say it's about having an idea of how things are supposed to go in your head, but your body struggling to follow through and achieve whatever results you were intending, and what feelings occur for an individual in that predicament.
