Monday, June 1, 2009

My First Friend (Aww)

this is from last summer, but reading it almost made me miss my stint in conducting phone interviews and getting cussed out on the phone for interrupting families all across America during their dinners. Almost. Here's the story of my first friend.

I started at Online Communications not really caring to get to know anyone. After all, I'd only be there less than two months and I'd most likely never see any of them again. But sooner than later my introverted self soon began to socialize with the overwhelming population of high school black girls that work there.

We were having some kind of retention meeting, where the supervisors leave and all the employees discuss what they don't like and what they think the company could do to improve the conditions for us. Several good ideas were thrown out, and more retarded ideas as well. I learned this day that retarded ideas can sometimes be a blessing in disguise, because the following retarded idea led to a snide remark by me, which led to my first friend (Aww).

This one particular girl, about 17 and a little out of shape was sitting side saddle on the ground when her floppy arm shot in the air. She spoke excitedly, but with a tinge of shyness; like she was confident she had a good idea, but she just wasn't used to addressing large groups of people.

"I...I don't know what it's like here..but at my other company...we would have barbeques...'n stuff...just so we could all get together and get to know one another..."

She left it trailing off, now held up at the mercies of the rest of the ethnic women dominating the crowd.

As soon as her voice whittled away, she was met with silent stares that indicated she had the worst idea in the history of this company.

It was at this point that I, standing up next to a girl sitting in a chair to my right, leaned down and whispered in one of my sarcastic tones,

"This isn't summer camp..."

The girl laughed, hit my leg in friendly fashion and spurted, " stupid..." She then continued to share my comment with the girl next to her, and she giggled as well. Another potential friend? (Aww)

I smiled within my face, completely satisfied that I had taken advantage of that poor girls' social faux pas. She did get over it quickly. Actually to think of it, I didn't see her for the last month or so I was there...

So that girl and I chatted a few other random times before it was my time to go, but I'll always remember that first comment and how awesome it was. That's the story of my first friend (Aww).

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