Sunday, July 4, 2010

Come August Come

As soon as August hits, an experiment will begin. I'm going to attempt a month without television, and if it goes well, more. I originally wanted to pledge a year without it, but figured I will start small and see what benefits it will produce. I cannot remember the amount, but there is a statistic that reports how much more an individual will spend in ratio to how many hours of television they watch in a day. Sitting in front of the box, lifeless and brain-dead, we exist there only to soak in influential dribble while we are convince we are not cool enough, good-looking enough, in-shape enough, rich enough, so on and so on. What if I can go an extended period of time without a messed-up pop culture shaping me into someone who cannot find happiness? What alternate activities will consume my time? I'm thankful that I already spend very little time watching television as there is little on that is worth my time (Good-bye LOST), but cutting that bit of my evening out will surely only benefit me. For awhile, I have desired to live in a time when all that would concern me is that I had bread for my stomach. Forget everything about our culture that needs to look good on the outside to feel anything. Give me a stick, a line, and a lure and let me catch a single fish for a day's meal and I will be content. I would at least feel alive. Eagerly awaiting August.


  1. That's awesome. I hope it goes well for you and that you stick with it. I can barely stand to watch TV anymore... I'd encourage you to spend some of that extra time reading the Word. Sitting out on your porch on a nice summer evening reading the Word is awesome.

  2. yeah definitely. i'm planning on making that a go-to in the evenings. i'm also planning on getting some puzzles. lol.

  3. Wordfinds, crossword puzzles, a deck of cards for solitare, a great library card, lots of cell minutes. Dont forget making movies is part of television if you watch them hehehe, a model to build, learn to sew, walk in the country, and of course pen and paper..... that should keep you busy for awhile :)

  4. i do love crossword puzzles...great ideas, thanks.
